▎ 摘 要
Owing to its excellent optoelectronic properties, graphene oxide (GO) has been investigated for use in optoelectronic devices in the past decade. GO-based devices such as photodetectors are expected to show remarkable high-frequency transmittances. However, the band properties are typically investigated using optical measurement methods, and these techniques have limitations on the maximum light intensity that can be employed and require the use of filters. To overcome these problems, high-frequency electrical measurements are applied to use resonance under illumination. The measured resonance signal probes the band properties of GO, while the electromagnetic radiation excites the samples. The spectral analysis of GO-based optoelectronic devices reveals the relationship between the band properties and the photon energy. Moreover, the resistance of GO, which is measured via the de-embedding process, is related to the band levels and photon energies. Thus, spectral analysis can be used to probe not only the photodetector properties of GO-based devices but also their band structure.