▎ 摘 要
Rice husk ash is environmentally hazardous if not dispose properly. Rice Husk Ash with graphene oxide as 50% cement replacement in concrete were used and analysed for their fresh and hardened properties. Also, this samples were mould as reinforced concrete beam specimens and tested for their flexural behaviour. Eleven cube samples were made with 4.9% RHA-0.1%GO, 9.8%RHA-0.2%GO, 14.7%RHA-0.3%GO, 19.6%RHA-0.4%GO,24.55%RHA-0.5%GO, 29.4%RHA-0.6%GO, 34.3%RHA-0.7%GO, 39.2%RHA-0.8%GO, 44.1%RHA-0.9%GO and 49%RHA-1%GO. Control concrete mix with 100% OPC were used to compare the results after 7,14 and 28 days for compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, flexural strength etc. Fresh concrete properties such as slump, bulk density and entrained air content were tested for eleven concrete mixes and SEM images for materials and cured concrete were presented in this paper. Seven concrete mixes were used for beam specimens that is up to 30% RHA-GO replacement and tested for deflection, load carrying capacity and crack pattern. As a result 25 to 30% RHA-GO mix can be used as cement replacement in concrete.