▎ 摘 要
A new heterogeneous catalyst for the epoxidation of olefins was prepared by immobilization of peroxophosphotungstate anions on the surface of clicked magnetite-graphene oxide as magnetically recoverable support. To prepare the heterogeneous catalyst, the clicked magnetite-graphene oxide support was prepared by thiolene click reaction of thiol functionalized graphene oxide with vinyl modified magnetite nanoparticles. The tailored support was then modified with aminopropyl groups followed by electrostatic interaction with peroxophosphotungstate anions to achieve the desired heterogeneous catalyst. Characterization of the catalyst was performed by various physicochemical methods which confirmed the successful immobilization of peroxopolyoxotungstate species on the surface of clicked magnetite-graphene oxide. Catalytic activity of the catalyst revealed its high catalytic activity and selectivity in the epoxidation of various olefins in the presence of H2O2 as green oxidant. This heterogeneous catalyst can be magnetically reused several times without significant loss of activity and selectivity.