▎ 摘 要
A Kekule bond texture in graphene modifies the electronic band structure by folding the Brillouin zone and bringing the two inequivalent Dirac points to the center. This can result in the opening of a gap (Kek-O) or the locking of the valley degree of freedom with the direction of motion (Kek-Y). We analyze the effects of uniaxial strain on the band structure of Kekule-distorted graphene for both textures. Using a tight-binding approach, we introduce strain by considering the hopping renormalization and corresponding geometrical modifications of the Brillouin zone. We numerically evaluate the dispersion relation and present analytical expressions for the low-energy limit. Our results indicate the emergence of a Zeeman-like term due to the coupling of the pseudospin with the pseudomagnetic strain potential which separates the valleys by moving them in opposite directions away from the center of the Brillouin zone. For the Kek-O phase, this results in a competition between the Kekule parameter that opens a gap and the magnitude of strain which closes it, while for the Kek-Y phase, it results in a superposition of two shifted Dirac cones. As the Dirac cones are much closer in the superlattice reciprocal space than in pristine graphene, we propose strain as a control parameter for intervalley scattering.