▎ 摘 要
An efficient scheme for the robust topology optimization considering hybrid bounded uncertainties (RTOHBU) is proposed for the graphene platelets (GPLs) reinforced functionally graded materials (FGMs). By introducing the concept of the layer-wise FGMs, the properties of the GPLs reinforced FGMs are calculated based on the Halpin-Tsai micromechanics model. The practical boundedness of probabilistic variables is naturally ensured by utilizing a generalized Beta distribution in constructing the robust topology optimization model. To address the issue of lacking the information of critical loads in existing topology optimization approaches considering hybrid uncertainties, a gradient-attributed search is carried out at first based on the hypothesis of linear elasticity to determine the critical loads leading to the worst structural performance. Subsequently, the statistical characteristics of the objective structural performance under such critical loads are efficiently evaluated by integrating the univariate dimension reduction method and the Gauss-Laguerre quadrature, the accuracy of which is verified by the comparison analyses utilizing the results of Monte Carlo simulation as references. Furthermore, a novel realization vector set is constructed for the bounded probabilistic uncertainties to parallelize the sensitivity analysis and accelerate the optimization process. All the proposed innovations are integrated into the robust topology optimization scheme, the effectiveness and efficiency of which are verified by both numerical and realistic engineering examples.