▎ 摘 要
ABSTR A C T Gallium nitride nanowire and nanorod substrates are prospective platforms allowing to control the local strain distribution in graphene films on top of them, resulting in an induction of pseudomagnetic fields. AFM measurements performed in a HybriD mode complemented by SEM allow for a detailed visuali-zation of the strain distribution on graphene surface. Graphene in direct contact with supporting regions is tensile strained, while graphene located in-between is characterized by lower strain. Characteristic tensile strained wrinkles also appear in the areas between the supporting regions. A positive correlation between strain gradient and distances between borders of supporting regions is observed. These results are confirmed by analysis of the Raman D' band intensity, which is affected by an enhancement of intravalley scattering. Furthermore, scanning tunneling spectroscopy shows a local modification of the density of states near the graphene wrinkle and weak localization measurements indicate the enhancement of pseudomagnetic field-induced scattering. Therefore, we show that nanowire and nanorod substrates provide strain engineering and induction of pseudomagnetic fields in graphene. The control of graphene morphology by modification of distances between supporting regions is promising for both further fundamental research and the exploration of innovative ways to fabricate pseudo-magnetic field-based devices like sensors or filters. (c) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).