▎ 摘 要
We propose here a tight-binding (TB) model Hamiltonian for monolayer graphene-on-substrate describing the nearest-neighbor-hopping, on-site Coulomb interaction on the sub-lattices and the electron-phonon interaction under the high-frequency limit of phonon vibration. Applying Lang-Firsov canonical transformation, the electron and phonon systems are decoupled in the atomic Hamiltonian, such that the effective Coulomb interaction and effective nearest-neighbor-hopping integral respectively appear as U=U-2t1 and (t) over tilde (1) = t(1e)(-t1 lambda/omega 0), where U, t(1), and (0) are respectively Coulomb energy, nearest-neighbor-hopping integral, electron-phonon (e-ph) coupling and phonon frequency. The effective Coulomb interaction in the Hamiltonian is considered within mean-field approximation. The Hamiltonian is solved by Zubarev's Green's function technique. The temperature-dependent electronic entropy and specific heat are calculated from the free energy of graphene system and are computed numerically. The temperature-dependent electronic specific heat exhibits a charge gap peak at room temperature arising due to the effect of Coulomb interaction and electron-phonon interaction. The evolution of these peaks in specific heat is investigated by varying the model parameters of the system.