▎ 摘 要
The development of efficient bifunctional catalysts for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions (ORR and OER) is important in the development of rechargeable metal-O-2 (air) batteries. Here, a straightforward synthesis of highly efficient bifunctional OER/ORR catalysts MnNiFe/LIG (M111/LIG and M311/LIG where the numbers reflect the relative molar ratio of Mn, Ni, and Fe species) is presented through a facile re-lasing method. The MnNiFe/LIG shows promising performance in Li-O-2 and Li-air batteries without the presence of a redox mediator. The Li-O-2 battery with M311/LIG catalysts is reliably discharged and charged for 150 cycles while the discharge potential slightly increases by 0.24 V. The Li-breathing air battery with M311/LIG catalyst is stable during 350 cycles while the Li-breathing air battery with M111/LIG catalyst is stable for approximate to 300 cycles. The function of the M111/LIG and M311/LIG catalysts in the Li-O-2 batteries and the influence of the catalysts on the discharge and decomposition products are also investigated. This study promotes further development in carbon-metal oxide composite cathode catalysts for metal-air batteries and underscores the efficacy of laser-induced graphene for electrode fabrications.