▎ 摘 要
Doped graphene nanostructures are a promising platform for photonics due to their exceptionally strong and tunable plasmonic resonances. When placed in a periodic array configuration, the plasmons supported by the individual nanostructures interact with each other and, under the appropriate conditions, can give rise to a collective mode known as a lattice resonance. Here, we perform a comprehensive analysis of the response of periodic arrays of graphene nanodisks and identify the conditions under which the system is able to support lattice resonances. We find that the ratio between the period of the array and the wavelength of the plasmon completely determines the behavior of the system. As a consequence, strong lattice resonances are achieved for micron-size nanodisks in the terahertz regime. We develop a theoretical model valid beyond the electrostatic approximation and use it to derive closed analytical expressions for the strength, the wavelength, and the width of the optical resonance of the arrays. The theoretical framework developed in this work paves the way for facile design and discovery of emerging properties of periodic arrays of graphene nanostructures that could enable applications in photonics and plasmonics.