▎ 摘 要
Developing nonprecious carbon electrocatalysts as alternatives to platinum for cathodic oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cells is of significance. Herein, an efficient precursor-controlled synthesis strategy based on extremely rapid nucleation and deposition process assisted by the liquid nitrogen freeze drying method is explored to anchor cheap iron-EDTA complex evenly dispersed on graphene to realize microstructural homogeneity of the derived Fe-N-C oxygen reduction electrocatalyst. The prepared electrocatalyst possesses excellent performance including high activity with more positive onset and half-wave potential, a long-term stability, and anti-poisoning effect compared to commercial Pt/C. The activity correlates well with the unique sheet-shaped morphology, high surface area, hierarchical porous structure, and the introduction of Fe-Nx/C species. Especially, both the assembled practical alkaline and acid fuel cells based on the synthesized cathode catalysts reveal excellent performance with high open-circuit voltage and power density.