▎ 摘 要
Although previous studies have reported the Raman and weak localization properties of graphene separately, very few studies have examined the correlation between the Raman and weak localization characterizations of graphene. Here, we report a Raman spectroscopy and low-magnetic-field electronic transport study of graphene devices with a controlled amount of defects introduced into the graphene by exposure to electron-beam irradiation and oxygen plasma etching. The relationship between the defect correlation length (L-D), calculated from the Raman "D" peak, and the characteristic scattering lengths, L-phi, L-i and L-*, computed from the weak localization effects measured in magneto-transport was investigated. Furthermore, the effect on the mean free path length due to the increasing amounts of irradiation incident on the graphene device was examined. Both parameters-including L-D and L-phi-decreased with the increase of irradiation, which was shown to be related to the increase of disorder through the concomitant decrease in the mean free path length, l. Although these are similar trends that have been observed separately in previous reports, this work revealed a novel nonlinear relationship between L-D and L-phi, particularly at lower levels of disorder. These findings are valuable for understanding the correlation between disorder in graphene and the phase coherence and scattering lengths of its charge carriers.