▎ 摘 要
Moire graphene systems have attracted considerable attention in the past 3 years because they exhibit exotic phenomena including correlated insulating states, unconventional superconductivity and the quantum anomalous Hall effect. All these phenomena are intimately related to the valley-spin-degenerate and topologically non-trivial flat bands in moire graphene systems. When time-reversal symmetry is broken spontaneously, such flavour-degenerate topological flat bands exhibit unconventional orbital magnetism associated with real-space current-loop patterns on the moire length scale. In this Perspective, we first survey key experimental progress on the correlated insulating states and the quantum anomalous Hall phenomena. Most of these phenomena are related to the moire orbital magnetic states, which originate from the topological nature of the moire flat bands. Finally, we discuss theoretical progress in the understanding of the correlated insulating and quantum anomalous Hall phenomena from the perspective of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Experiments suggest that graphene systems with moire potentials exhibit orbital magnetism. This Perspective discusses the experimental evidence and introduces theoretical perspectives on the phenomena.