▎ 摘 要
Proton-conduction is one of the critical factors in diverse energy-related technologies, including fuel cells and water electrolyzers. Recently, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) or coordination polymers (CPs) and their composite materials have emerged as new type proton conductors. In this paper, three CPs proton conductors, [H-0.5(H2O)(3)] [Ln(3.25)(C6NO2H5)(4)(C6NO2H4.875)(2)(H2O)(19.5)(IMo6O24)(2)] (Ln = Pr3+, Nd3+, and Sm3+ named as PLP-1, PLP-2, PLP-3, respectively), have been successfully synthesized, which capture a kind of (H2O)(19.5) cluster in 1D channel along c axis. Much more significantly, rich hydrogen bonding nets were formed between (H2O)(19.5) clusters, which not only promoted the formation of 3D supramolecular structure but also provided efficient pathways for proton transfer. Alternating-current (AC) impedance measurements reveal an outstanding conductivity for PLP-1 of 2.3 x 10(-3) S cm(-1) at 333 K without external humidity. Additionally, CPs-based composite material (PLP-1@HGO) is further prepared to improve its water retention and water resistance of PLP-1. The AC measurement shows that PLP-1@HGO has the advantage of a good proton conductivity of 10(-3) S cm(-1) at 353 K after three cycles.