▎ 摘 要
We propose an efficient modulation of linearly polarized infrared light using graphene metamaterials (GMMs) by exploiting the phase-coupled plasmon-induced transparency (PIT) mechanism. Because of the phase-coupling effect in GMMs, pronounced PIT peaks can be simultaneously obtained for the orthogonally polarized light through tuning of the Fermi level in graphene. Taking advantage of such polarization-selective PIT spectral responses and precise phase management, a dual-polarization GMM modulator is successfully achieved with ultra-high modulation depths of similar to 32 dB at 10 mu m and similar to 28 dB at 12.45 mu m for the x- and y-polarized light beams, respectively. The underlying principle of the proposal is well explained and verified by using transfer matrix method. The proposed scheme provides new opportunities for developing graphene-integrated high-performance electro-optical modulation, switching, and other optoelectronics applications. Published by AIP Publishing.