▎ 摘 要
Twisted trilayer graphene is a particularly promising moire superlattice system, due to its tunability, strong superconductivity, and complex electronic symmetry breaking. Motivated by these properties, we study lattice relaxation and the long-wavelength phonon modes of this system. We show that mirror-symmetric trilayer graphene hosts, aside from the conventional acoustic phonon modes, two classes of shear modes, which are even and odd under mirror reflection. The mirror-even modes are found to be gapless and equivalent to the "phason" modes of twisted bilayer graphene, with appropriately rescaled parameters. The modes odd under mirror symmetry have no analog in twisted bilayer graphene and exhibit a finite gap which we show is directly proportional to the degree of lattice relaxation. We also discuss the impact of mirror-symmetry breaking, which can be tuned by a displacement field or result from a stacking shift, and of rotational-as well as time-reversal-symmetry breaking, resulting from spontaneous electronic order. We demonstrate that this can induce finite angular momentum to the phonon branches. Our findings are important to the interpretation of recent experiments concerning the origin of superconductivity and of linear-in -T resistivity.