▎ 摘 要
In consideration of the presented optical-thermally excited resonant mass detection scheme, molecular dynamics calculations are performed to investigate the thermal actuation and resonant mass sensing mechanism. The simulation results indicate that an extremely high temperature exists in a 6% central area of the graphene sheet exposed to the exciting laser. Therefore, constraining the laser driving power and enlarging the laser spot radius are essential to weaken the overheating in the middle of the graphene sheet, thus avoiding being burned through. Moreover, molecular dynamics calculations demonstrate a mass sensitivity of 214 kHz/zg for the graphene resonator with a pre-stress of 1 GPa. However, the adsorbed mass would degrade the resonant quality factor from 236 to 193. In comparison, the sensitivity and quality factor could rise by 1.3 and 4 times, respectively, for the graphene sheet with a pre-stress of 5 GPa, thus revealing the availability of enlarging pre-stress for better mass sensing performance.