▎ 摘 要
We performed infrared transmission experiment on ion-gel gated graphene and measured carrier scattering rate gamma as a function of carrier density n over a wide range up to n = 2 x 10(13) cm(-2). gamma exhibits a rapid decrease along with the gating followed by a persistent increase upon further carrier doping. This behavior of gamma(n) demonstrates that the carrier is scattered dominantly by the two scattering mechanisms, namely, charged impurity (CI) scattering and short-range disorder (SR) scattering, with additional minor scattering from substrate phonons (SPP). We can determine the absolute strengths of all the scattering channels by fitting the gamma(n) data and unveil the complete n-dependent map of the scattering mechanisms gamma(n) = gamma(CI)(n) + gamma(SPR)(n) + gamma(SPP)(n). gamma(CI)(n) and gamma(SR)(n) are larger than those of SiO2-gated graphene by 1.8 times, which elucidates the dual role of the ion-gel layer as a CI-scatterer and simultaneously a SR-scatterer to graphene. Additionally, we show that freezing of IG at low-T (similar to 200 K) does not cause any change to the carrier scattering. Published under license by AIP Publishing.