▎ 摘 要
We study above-barrier scattering of Dirac electrons by a smooth electrostatic potential combined with a coordinate-dependent mass in graphene. We assume that the potential and mass are sufficiently smooth, so that we can define a small dimensionless semiclassical parameter h << 1. This electronic optics setup naturally leads to focusing and the formation of caustics, which are singularities in the density of trajectories. We construct a semiclassical approximation for the wavefunction in all points, placing particular emphasis on the region near the caustic, where the maximum of the intensity lies. Because of the matrix character of the Dirac equation, this wavefunction contains a nontrivial semiclassical phase, which is absent for a scalar wave equation and which influences the focusing. We carefully discuss the three steps in our semiclassical approach: the adiabatic reduction of the matrix equation to an effective scalar equation, the construction of the wavefunction using the Maslov canonical operator and the application of the uniform approximation to the integral expression for the wavefunction in the vicinity of a caustic. We consider several numerical examples and show that our semiclassical results are in very good agreement with the results of tight-binding calculations. In particular, we show that the semiclassical phase can have a pronounced effect on the position of the focus and its intensity. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.