▎ 摘 要
A facile, single step microwave assisted polyol route for simultaneously depositing platinum as well as co-doping graphene oxide, is herein proposed. However, low durability and full cell performance of Pt/NPG (platinum deposited on nitrogen phosphorous co-doped graphene) was observed due to restacking of graphene layers. This issue was addressed by intercalating CB into the graphene layers as spacers during the synthesis (in-situ addition of spacers - Pt/(NPG + S)). Moreover, to study the influence of spacers, external addition of spacers (ex-situ - Pt/(NPG) + S) were also examined. Results from our study indicate that in-situ addition of spacers- Pt/(NPG + S) enhanced the full cell performance (405 mW cm-2) and exhibited <40% ECSA loss (37.47%), thereby attaining DoE target. Thus, emerging as a durable cathode electrocatalyst (Pt/(NPG + S)) for PEM fuel cells. (c) 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.