▎ 摘 要
We report a new approach to making highly dense, oriented, and crystalline graphite films from heat-treated and pressed graphene oxide (G-O). By introducing small-diameter reduced graphene oxide (rG-O) flakes into the graphene oxide starting material, we found that after heat treatment at 3,000 degrees C, the sample density and atomic order substantially improved over a film composed, at the outset, only of pure G-O flakes. A subsequent mechanical press increased the density but reduced the atomic order. A second 3,000 degrees C heat treatment restored the graphitic structure with graphitization metrics exceeding even those of the first heat treatment. The optimized graphitic film with an original concentration of 15 wt% reduced G-O in G-O gave well-oriented graphitic films with a density of 2.1 g cm(-3), cross-plane thermal conductivity of 5.65 W m(-1) K-1, and in-plane thermal conductivity of 2,025 +/- 25 W m(-1) K-1.