▎ 摘 要
This article presents a study on mid-infrared and low-THz absorbers based on metallic and graphene metasurface. The absorber is constructed of a periodic array of patterned elements in patch form placed on a quarter-wavelength dielectric film terminated by a metallic reflector. A simple analytical circuit model equivalent to patch array is used for employing the matching impedance approach to realize the wideband absorber. This absorber is polarization independent for normal incident waves owing to its symmetric structure. Simulation and analytical circuit model results show that the graphene and metallic-based absorbers proposed in this paper can operate with an absorption value above 90% in a normalized bandwidth of 100% in the low terahertz (THz) and the mid-infrared regime, respectively. The proposed absorber is wide-angle for both TM and TE polarizations and polarization-insensitive for small incident angles.