▎ 摘 要
Graphene was precipitated using crystallized Ni catalyst, which was crystallized using a MBE-grown Ni layer as a seed. In the thermal crystallization process, the additional deposition of amorphous Ni layer was effective to suppress the dewetting of the Ni catalyst. The resulted graphene was flat and free from folds, which are the large wrinkles folded on the substrate and the graphene islands were found smoothly stitched together. It is because the islands were precisely aligned by the crystal information inherited from the Ni layer. The insitu observation of the precipitation was also performed using high intensity X-ray beam from a synchrotron apparatus. Pre-cipitation process was clearly revealed, and the crystallized Ni catalyst was found effectively reduced the for-mation of defective graphene, which was conventionally produced by the carbons diffused though grain boundaries at low temperature.