▎ 摘 要
By designing a molecule labeled as UPPY with both ureidopyrimidinone (UP) and pyrene (PY) units, the supramolecular self-assembly of multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWNT) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) was driven by the UP quadruple hydrogen-bonding and PY-based pi-pi interactions to form a novel hybrid of rGO-UPPY-MWNT in which the morphology of rGO-wrapped MWNT was found. Bridged by the two kinds of noncovalent bonding, enhanced electronic communication occurred in rGO-UPPY-MWNT. Also, under the cooperation of UP quadruple hydrogen-bonding and PY-based pi-pi interactions, higher electrical conductivity and better charge transfer were observed for rGO-UPPY-MWNT, compared with the rGO-MWNT composite without such noncovalent bonds, and that with just single PY-based pi-pi interaction (rGO-PY-MWNT) or UP quadruple hydrogen bond (rGO-UP-MWNT). Specifically, the electrical conductivity of rGO-PY-MWNT hybrids was increased approximately sevenfold, and the interfacial charge transfer resistance was nearly decreased by 1 order of magnitude compared with rGO-MWNT, rGO-UP-MWNT, and rGO-PY-MWNT. Resulting from its excellent electrical conductivity and charge transfer properties, the rGO-UPPY-MWNT modified electrode exhibited enhanced electrochemical activity toward dopamine with detection limit as low as 20 nM.