▎ 摘 要
J-aggregates nanostructure proposed for realization of plasmonic manufactories like switchable localized surface resonances (LSR) due to their optical nonlinearities' properties. J-aggregates to enhancement of light-matter interaction is applied. In this regard, we propose a novel graphene/J-aggregate plasmonics coupler with subwavelength structure at telecommunication range. Utilizing device geometries and optical properties optimized for enhanced light-matter interactions lets us to harness the propagation of TM (TE) modes without the change of configuration. Here, the coupling parameters have been numerically and investigated using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The results show that the coupling condition can be tuned by optical properties of graphene in turn leads to a tunable plasmonics coupler. It is shown that, by considering magnetic field of 0.01 T and graphene chemical potential of mc = 0.45 eV, the TM mode, and magnetic field of 0.02 T and graphene chemical potential of mc = 0.4 eV, the TE mode can be propagated in the selected ports. With the above behavior, the proposed structure may potentially be applied in telecommunication links.