▎ 摘 要
Microcrystalline graphene is self-arranged in disordered structures with the material properties disclosing unique aspects of physical and chemical processes on the surfaces and in the interfaces. This report introduced a way to create dynamic conditions for the electrical processes in microcrystalline graphene by changing position of a water droplet. Electrical resistance was measured under the dynamic conditions. The layers with the effective thickness of 0.4-1.1 nm were grown on silicon substrate with insulating SiO2 coating by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition. Hybrid electrical conductance originating from combination of conduction electrons and mobile ions was proved being originated by the proximity of the droplet to the surface and direct contact between liquid water and the solid. These two charge transport mechanisms were separated from each other in the experiments on the kinetics of the film resistance. The position of a water droplet was detected and even followed both above and on the surface of a microcrystalline graphene layer by measuring the time dependencies of the electrical resistance of the layer.