• 文献标题:   Reduced graphene oxide: osteogenic potential for bone tissue engineering
  • 文献类型:   Article
  • 作者关键词:   molecular biophysic, tissue engineering, biochemistry, cellular biophysic, graphene, biomedical material, bone, protein, scanning electron microscopy, porous material, compressive strength, biomechanic, human bone marrowderived mesenchymal stem cell, reduced graphene oxide, bone extracellular matrix, inferior mechanical propertie, load bearing application, freezedried col scaffold, amine col group, graphene carboxyl group, bone tissue engineering, collagen type i, gocol scaffold, covalent bond, scanning electron microscopy, compressive modulu, apatite formation, cytocompatibility, 3 4, 5dimethylthiazol2yl 2, 5diphenyltetrazolium bromide analysi, alkaline phosphatase assay, osteogenic differentiation medium, dental application, orthopaedic application, porous structure, time 14, 0 day, co
  • ISSN:   1751-8741 EI 1751-875X
  • 通讯作者地址:   Tarbiat Modares Univ
  • 被引频次:   0
  • DOI:   10.1049/iet-nbt.2019.0125
  • 出版年:   2019

▎ 摘  要

Collagen (Col) type I, as the major component of the bone extracellular matrix has been broadly studied for bone tissue engineering. However,inferior mechanical properties limit its usage for load bearing applications. In this research, freeze dried Col scaffolds are coated with graphene oxide (GO) through a covalent bond of the amine Col with the graphene carboxyl groups. The prepared scaffolds were then reduced using a chemical agent. Scanning electron microscopy exhibited a porous structure for the synthesized scaffolds with an approximate pore size of 100-220 +/- 12 mu m, which is in the suitable range for bone tissue engineering application. Reducing the GO coating improved the compressive modulus of the Col from 250 to 970 kPa. Apatite formation was also indicated by immersing the scaffolds in simulated body fluid after five days. The cytocompatibility of the scaffolds, using human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, was confirmed with MTT analysis. Alkaline phosphatase assay revealed that reducing the Col-GO scaffolds can effectively activate the differentiation of hBM-MSCs into osteoblasts after 14 days, even without the addition of an osteogenic differentiation medium. The results of this study highlight that GO and its reduced form have considerable potential as bone substitutes for orthopaedic and dental applications.