▎ 摘 要
In this paper, the effect of the temperature change on the vibration frequency of mono-layer graphene sheet embedded in an elastic medium are studied. Using the nonlocal elasticity theory, the governing equations are derived for single-layered graphene sheets. Using Levy and Navier solutions, analytical frequency equations for single-layered graphene sheets are obtained. Using Levy solution, the frequency equation and mode shapes of orthotropic rectangular nanoplate are considered for three cases of boundary conditions. The obtained results are subsequently compared with valid result reported in the literature. The effects of the small scale, temperature change, different boundary conditions, Winkler and Pasternak foundations, material properties and aspect ratios on natural frequencies are investigated. It has been shown that the non-dimensional frequency decreases with increasing temperature change. The present analysis results can be used for the design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the thermal vibration properties of the nanoplates.