▎ 摘 要
The existence of asymmetry in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) photoemission lines is widely accepted, but line shapes designed to accommodate asymmetry are generally lacking in theoretical justification. In this work, we present a new line shape for describing asymmetry in XPS signals that is based on two facts. First, the most widely known line shape for fitting asymmetric XPS signals that has a theoretical basis, referred to as the Doniach-Sunjic (DS) line shape, suffers from a mathematical inconvenience, which is that for asymmetric shapes the area beneath the curve (above the x-axis) is infinite. Second, it is common practice in XPS to remove the inelastically scattered background response of a peak in question with the Shirley algorithm. The new line shape described herein attempts to retain the theoretical virtues of the DS line shape, while allowing the use of a Shirley background, with the consequence that the resulting line shape has a finite area. To illustrate the use of this Doniach-Sunjic-Shirley (DSS) line shape, a set of spectra obtained from varying amounts of graphene oxide (GO) and reduced GO on a patterned, heterogeneous surface are fit and discussed.