▎ 摘 要
We numerically demonstrate a tunable dual-band terahertz metamaterial absorber (MA) with near-unity absorption using single-layer square graphene ring structure with T-shaped graphene strips. By periodically loading four T-shaped graphene strips to the square graphene ring periodic array without additionally increasing the size of MA device, the pre-existing resonant frequency will have a red shift and simultaneously a new resonance will be generated at higher frequency for achieving a dual-band MA. The two absorption peaks can be tuned to the resonant frequencies of interest by varying the parameters of the square graphene ring and T-shaped graphene strips. The operating frequency of the absorption spectrum can be also manipulated by adjusting the chemical potential of graphene, without changing their geometric parameters. Additionally, numerical results show that the proposed MA possesses polarization-independent and incident-angle-insensitive properties. To further extend the proposed structure's application with more absorption peaks, a tri-band MA is investigated through adding four more T-shaped graphene strips based on the dual-band absorber configuration. Therefore, our research work will be a good candidate for the design of various graphene-based tunable multi-band absorbers at different frequency regions with potential applications in optoelectronic devices and systems. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement