▎ 摘 要
Common conductive fluids include coolants (water and ethylene glycol [EG]), lubricants (oils), polymer solutions, paraffin, and biofluids. Compared with conventional fluids, the nanofluids have superior thermophysical properties like heat transmission, thermal conductivity, viscosity, and thermal diffusion. Such types of nanofluids have many biomedical, industrial, and engineering applications due to their enhanced properties like vehicle cooling, industrial cooling, heat transfer, electronics cooling, nanocryosurgery, magnetic drugs, etc. Therefore, in this analysis, the authors have investigated the significance of thermal and mass transmission mechanisms of the nanofluids on convective motion that happens through a stretching sheet with velocity slips. The nanofluid flow includes water (H2O) and EG (C2H6O2) which are used as a mixture of base fluid (water, 70%water + 30%EG, 50%water + 50%EG) and graphene nanomaterials (graphene nanoparticle [GP]) are used as nanoparticles. The governing equations are transformed with the help of suitable similarity variables and then solved by the means of homotopy analysis method (HAM). Validation of the present analysis has been performed and has found great agreement with previous results. The effects of physical factors developed during partial differential equation (PDE)-to-ordinary differential equation (ODE) transformations on flow profiles have been presented. The results show that the enhancing nanoparticle volume fraction shrinks the velocity boundary layer thickness and reduces the velocity profiles, while the thermal and concentration boundary layer thicknesses enhance, which consequently augment the thermal and concentration profiles. Additionally, the increasing nanoparticle volume fraction improves skin friction, heat transfer, and mass transfer rates. The augmenting thermal and mass relaxation times factors reduce the thermal and concentration profiles. Additionally, the thermal relaxation time factor shows prompt effect for the case of Fourier's law and the concentration relaxation time factor shows prompt effect for Fick's model. It is also found that the variations in the flow profiles are always dominant for the water + GP nanofluid as compared to 70% W + 30%EG + GP and 50% W + 50%EG + GP.