▎ 摘 要
Currently, electronic product development trends include design of thin, low-weight, multifunctional, and highly integrated devices. Electronic chips tend to feature high-speed, high-power, and high-concentration properties, and the amount of heat per unit volume increases rapidly. If the total volume is reduced, poor heat dissipation results in product failure. This study proposed that solid conductors could be replaced by a microchannel and graphene solution, with the graphene solution supplying energy and dissipating heat in a light-emitting diode (LED). The temperature at the bottom of the LED chip with the graphene solution conductor was considerably lower than that of the chip with the solid conductor. The difference between the optical power of the LED with the solid and graphene solution conductors was small. Additionally, the optical power of the LED with the graphene solution was considerably higher than that of the LED with the salt electrolyte conductor, and the temperature difference between the bottom of the LED chip with the graphene solution and that of the LED chip with the salt electrolyte was very small. The graphene solution was a suitable conductor for the LED; hence, it can facilitate new designs of LEDs in the future.