▎ 摘 要
Hybrid polymer composites are vastly used in aerospace, construction, and automotive fields. This study aims to analyze the flammability and vibrational behavior of graphene incorporated epoxy/ramie/glass (ERG) hybrid nanocomposite. The samples were prepared with different weight percentage of graphene (GR) through hand layup method, followed by vacuum bag technique. The samples were analyzed for water intake, porosity, mechanical strength, fractography, vibrational property together with flammability of the material. GR addition depletes water intake and porosity by 11.5% to 5.3% and 6.2% to 2.2%, respectively. It increases hardness and flexural strength up to 25% and 41%, with a reduction in tensile property of the composites. Besides, GR nanocomposites show improved damping properties, owing to stick-slip mechanism exhibited at epoxy and GR interface. Also, GR addition declines burning rate of ERG at high concentrations since it does not score any grade in flammability test. This work found that the incorporation of GR in ERG composite enhances mechanical properties and decreases water intake. A decrease in the burning rate of the ERG composite could be achieved by incorporating graphene particles, which could be used for structural applications (car door-panels, ballistic, and aerospace) leading to delay in burning rate of the developed composites when exposed to fire during accidents.