▎ 摘 要
A hybrid of reduced graphene oxide-palladium (RGO-Pd) nano- to submicron-scale particles was simultaneously chemically prepared using microwave irradiation. The electrochemical investigation of the resulting hybrid was achieved using cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry. RGO-Pd had a higher current response than unmodified RGO toward the oxidation of morphine. Several factors that can affect the electrochemical response were studied, including accumulation time and potential, Pd loading, scan rate, and pH of electrolyte. At the optimum conditions, the concentration of morphine was determined using differential pulse voltammetry in a linear range from 0.34 to 12 mu mol L-1 and from 14 to 100 mu mol L-1, with detection limits of 12.95 nmol L-1 for the first range. The electrode had high sensitivity toward morphine oxidation in the presence of dopamine (DA) and of the interference compounds ascorbic acid (AA) and uric acid (UA). Electrochemical determination of morphine in a spiked urine sample was performed, and a low detection limit was obtained. Validation conditions including reproducibility, sensitivity, and recovery were evaluated successfully in the determination of morphine in diluted human urine.