▎ 摘 要
We compute the dynamical conductivity of the impact of gapped graphene like structure such as BeO, SiC and boron-nitride sheets in the presence of electron-electron interaction in the context of Hubbard model Hamiltonian. Using the full expression for the dynamical conductivity, the transmission and reflection coefficients are given. Mean field approximation has been applied to find excitation spectrum of electronic system in the presence of local electronic interaction. We find that the band gap in both optical conductivity and density of states decreases with strength of columbic interaction. Furthermore, we determine the frequency dependence of transmissivity and reflectivity of light that is scattered from two media with different permittivity and graphene like structures at the interface. Also we compare the frequency behavior of transmission coefficient of BeO, SiC and boron-nitride sheets with each other. The effect of electronic interaction on the transmission and reflection coefficients has been investigated. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.