▎ 摘 要
Using exact quantum Monte Carlo method, we examine the recent novel electronic states seen in magic-angle graphene superlattices. From the Hubbard model on a double-layer honeycomb lattice with a rotation angle theta = 1.08 degrees, we reveal that an antiferromagnetically ordered Mott insulator emerges beyond a critical U-c at half filling, and with a small doping, the pairing with d + id symmetry dominates over other pairings at low temperature. The effective d + id pairing interaction strongly increases as the on-site Coulomb interaction increases, indicating that the superconductivity is driven by electron-electron correlation. Our non-biased numerical results demonstrate that the twisted bilayer graphene shares the similar superconducting mechanism of high temperature superconductors, which is a new and ideal platform for further investigating the strongly correlated phenomena. (C) 2019 Science China Press. Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science China Press. All rights reserved.