• 文献标题:   Resonance analysis of cantilever porous graphene platelet reinforced pipe under external load
  • 文献类型:   Article
  • 作者关键词:   cantilever pipe, external load, fluidconveying, fractional viscoelastic model, nonlinear foundation, primary resonance
  • ISSN:   1229-9367 EI 1598-6233
  • 通讯作者地址:  
  • 被引频次:   0
  • DOI:   10.12989/scs.2022.45.3.409
  • 出版年:   2022

▎ 摘  要

Nowadays, there is a high demand for great structural implementation and multifunctionality with excellent mechanical properties. The porous structures reinforced by graphene platelets (GPLs) having valuable properties, such as heat resistance, lightweight, and excellent energy absorption, have been considerably used in different engineering implementations. However, stiffness of porous structures reduces significantly, due to the internal cavities, by adding GPLs into porous medium, effective mechanical properties of the porous structure considerably enhance. This paper is relating to vibration analysis of fluid -conveying cantilever porous graphene platelet reinforced (GPLR) pipe with fractional viscoelastic model resting on foundations. A dynamical model of cantilever porous GPLR pipes conveying fluid and resting on a foundation is proposed, and the vibration, natural frequencies and primary resonant of such a system are explored. The pipe body is considered to be composed of GPLR viscoelastic polymeric pipe with porosity in which Halpin-Tsai scheme in conjunction with the fractional viscoelastic model is used to govern the construction relation of nanocomposite pipe. Three different porosity distributions through the pipe thickness are introduced. The harmonic concentrated force is also applied to the pipe and the excitation frequency is close to the first natural frequency. The governing equation for transverse motions of the pipe is derived by the Hamilton principle and then discretized by the Galerkin procedure. In order to obtain the frequency-response equation, the differential equation is solved with the assumption of small displacement, damping coefficient, and excitation amplitude by the multiple scale method. A parametric sensitivity analysis is carried out to reveal the influence of different parameters, such as nanocomposite pipe properties, fluid velocity and nonlinear viscoelastic foundation coefficients, on the primary resonance and linear natural frequency. Results indicate that the GPLs weight fraction porosity coefficient, fractional derivative order and the retardation time have substantial influences on the dynamic response of the system.