▎ 摘 要
Band gap control by an external field is useful in various optical, infrared and THz applications. However, widely tunable band gaps are still not practical due to a variety of reasons. Using the orthogonal tight-binding method for p-electrons, we have investigated the effect of the external electric field on a subclass of monolayer chevron-type graphene nanoribbons that can be referred to as jagged graphene nanoribbons. A classification of these ribbons was proposed and band gaps for applied fields up to the SiO2 breakdown strength (1 V nm(-1)) were calculated. According to the tight-binding model, band gap opening (or closing) takes place for some types of jagged graphene nanoribbons in the external electric field that lies on the plane of the structure and perpendicular to its longitudinal axis. Tunability of the band gap up to 0.6 eV is attainable for narrow ribbons. In the case of jagged ribbons with armchair edges larger jags forming a chevron pattern of the ribbon enhance the controllability of the band gap. For jagged ribbons with zigzag and armchair edges regions of linear and quadratic dependence of the band gap on the external electric field can be found that are useful in devices with controllable modulation of the band gap.