▎ 摘 要
The strong absorption and reflection from atomically thin graphene nanoribbons has been demonstrated over the past decade. However, due to the significant band dispersion of graphene nanoribbons, the angle of incident wave has remained limited to a very narrow range. Obtaining strong absorption and reflection with a wide range of incident angles from atomically thin graphene layers has remained an unsolvable problem. Here, we construct a tunable moire superlattice composed of a pair of graphene nanoribbon arrays to achieve this goal. By designing the interlayer coupling between two graphene nanoribbon arrays with mismatched periods, the moire flat bands and the localization of their eigen-fields was realized. Based on the moire flat bands of graphene nanoribbons, highly efficient reflection and nearly perfect absorption was achieved with a wide range of incident angles. Even more interesting, is how these novel phenomena can be tuned through the adjustment of the graphene's Fermi energy, either electrostatically or chemically. Our designed moire graphene nanoribbons suggest a promising platform to engineer moire physics with tunable behaviors, and may have potential applications in the field of wide-angle absorbers and reflectors in the mid-infrared region. (C) 2022 Optics Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement