▎ 摘 要
Graphene has amazing carrier transport property and high sensitivity at the single molecule level which leads them as a promising material for batteries, energy storage, catalytic and biosensor applications. The quantum capacitance of different layer graphene is the a notable factor in the nano-electronic device modelling and characterization as a basic electronic parameter. In this work analytical modelling of first sub-band energy for Bilayer Graphene Nanoribbons (BGNS) is employed to model quantum capacitance on Mono Layer Graphene Nanoribbon (MGNR) and BG. Based on the presented model in the non-degenerate regime specifies the temperature effect on quantum capacitance is more dominant while in the degenerate limit constant quantum capacitance is reported which is independent of temperature. According to the analytical model the BGN quantum capacitance in comparison with monolayer GNR quantum capacitance is investigated and BGN higher quantum capacitance is reported.