▎ 摘 要
Thermopower (TP), S of pure graphene in the Bloch-Gruneisen (BG) regime is investigated assuming electrons to be scattered by in-plane acoustic phonons and taking into account the temperature dependent effects arising from thermal averaging over carrier energy. Numerical calculations of electron mobility and TP show a signature of BG regime. The mobility is found to increase rapidly with decrease in temperature. The diffusion component S-d of TP is found to follow a non-linear temperature dependence showing changes in sign before becoming linear at very low temperatures; this is in contrast to the usual linear dependence reported in literature. At higher temperatures S-d, as does mobility, is found to merge with values calculated using equipartition approximation. The influence of phonon drag contribution S-g on the total TP, S, is also investigated. A fairly good agreement with existing low temperature data is obtained. Detailed analysis of TP data in pure samples will enable better understanding of the electron-phonon interaction in graphene. (C) 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim