▎ 摘 要
Pyrolysis of plastic waste (PW), a commercial method of recycling, is currently economically challenging and produces up to 20% by mass valueless pyrolysis ash (PA) as a byproduct. Here, direct, facile upcycling of PW-derived PA into high purity turbostratic flash graphene (tFG) is demonstrated. The tFG displays excellent dispersibility, yielding a concentration of 2.84 mg/mL in aqueous surfactant solution. The tFG was used to fabricate tFG-PVA nanocomposites, and low doses of tFG (0.1%-1%) improve failure strain by 15%-30% when compared to the samples of neat PVA. Further, the addition of tFG to PVA films showed decreased hydrophilic interactions, increasing the water contact angle by 235% and adsorbing 500% less water than neat PVA. The tFG was also added to Portland cement paste as well as concrete, and exhibited 43% and 25% increases in compressive strength, respectively. The tFG is used directly in both composite applications, requiring no purification or chemical functionalization, unlike many other products used in nanocomposites. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.