▎ 摘 要
A facile, scalable route is adopted to synthesize egg-like few-layered graphene-wrapped and Fe3O4-pillared SiOx anodes (SiOx@Fe3O4@FLG) for lithium-ion batteries. The rationally designed egg-like SiOx-cored composites possess a strong capability in accommodating volume change of micro-sized SiOx particles during Li cycling. Comprehensive effect of integrated structure, pseudocapacitance contribution and enhanced kinetics enables SiOx@Fe3O4@FLG electrode to afford a high-rate, long-term performance, e.g., 833.4 mA h g(-1) (1550 mA h cm(-3)) at 0.5 A g(-1) after 500 cycles with 81.8% capacity retention ratio. Such an attribute makes SiOx@ Fe3O4@FLG composites promising anode materials for high-energy Li-ion battery.