▎ 摘 要
Two-dimensional carbon nanomaterials have attracted much attention in the last decade because of their promising applications. Recently, the discovery of N-doped holey graphene (NhG) with plentiful in plane holes and high N contents as the anode material has opened up exciting opportunities to improved electrochemical performance for the li-ion Battery applications. In this paper, we provide a bottom-up and economic solution-combustion synthesis route for the simple preparation of NhG. The nitrogen content, specific surface area (SSA) and pore size of the as-obtained NhG all increase with the increasing ratio between the oxidizer and fuel. With the increased nitrogen content and SSA, the prepared NhG exhibits higher capacity performance for lithium ion storage, especially for the prepared NhG4, gives rise to the highest initial reversible capacity 1354 mAh g(-1) at 0.2 A g(-1) as the carbon anode material. The detailed explanation of this "Bottom-up" route to prepare NhG is also provided for its extensive applications. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.