▎ 摘 要
Graphene oxide (GO) exhibits different properties from those found in free-standing graphene, which mainly depend on the type of defects induced by the preparation method and post-processing. Although defects in graphene oxide are widely studied, we report the effect of drying time in GO and how this modifies the presence or absence of edge-, basal-, and sp(3)-type defects. The effect of drying time is evaluated by Raman spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The traditional D, G, and 2D peaks are observed together with other less intense peaks called the D', D*, D**, D+G, and G+D. Remarkably, the D* peak is activated/deactivated as a direct consequence of drying time. Furthermore, the broad region of the 2D peak is discussed as a function of its deconvoluted 2D(1A), 2D(2A), and D+G bands. The main peak in UV-visible absorption spectra undergoes a redshift as drying time increases. Finally, TEM measurements demonstrate the stacking of exfoliated GO sheets as the intercalated (water) molecules are removed.