▎ 摘 要
The extensive application of the graphene-based composites in gas sensing was severely suffered from its poor selectivity although these materials have excellently physi-chemical properties. Herein, a flexible Cu(INA)(2)/GO composite was synthesized in situ through a simple method. Characterization results exhibited that the intimate interfacial contact between Cu(INA)(2) and GO was achieved. After the GO was transformed into the reduced graphene oxide (rGO) via an electrochemical method on an interdigital electrode (IDE), the composite showed good performance for sensing NH3 gas. The response signal intensity was linearly with the concentration of NH3 gas in nitrogen from 50 to 500 ppm. The Cu(INA)(2) and rGO played synergistic effects for sensing NH3 gas, which can provide a paradigm for the application of the Graphene-based composites in determination of the contamination gases.