▎ 摘 要
Graphene oxide (GO) is often quantified via its UV absorption, typically at around 230 nm. This is convenient but the effect of the size of GO on the accuracy of this method has been ignored so far. The authors report that the molar absorbance of GO is size-dependent. Data are presented on the absorbance of small (hydrodynamic diameter 1 mu m), medium sized (1.5 mu m), and large (2.2 mu m) GO particles at wavelengths of 210, 230 and 250 nm. In general, linear relationship and good regression fits are obtained, but with different slope depending on size even at the same wavelength. This implies that using the UV absorption-based calibration may cause significant errors in GO quantification. Ultimately, this leads to incorrect dosages and faulty conclusions. This may also explain a variety of inconsistent results obtained in previous biological applications of GO.