▎ 摘 要
Despite the widespread use of graphitic carbon as an active material for Lithium intercalation, the real capacity of graphitic structures remains unclear. The efficient lithium intercalation into graphite is prohibited by strong Van der Waals interlayer interaction that limits the specific capacity of Lithium-ion batteries (LIB). Here, we discuss features of the novel graphenic structure, named Incommensurate Multilayer Graphene (IMLG), that demonstrates superlative Lithium intercalation as active material in LIBs. The structural and binding analysis of IMLG anode revealed the uniqueness of this material and substantiates that weakened interplanar interaction of rotated graphene layers plays a key role in allowing full penetration of lithium and intercalation onto graphene layers. The Li2C2 can be achieved in lithiated IMLG anodes due to freely stacked adjacent layers becoming an excellent host for stable and reversible Lithium absorption/desorption. Superlative Lithium intercalation of IMLG provides stable, long-term charge/discharge of Lithium batteries increasing up to 1700 mAh/g specific capacity.