▎ 摘 要
Multicomponent N doped graphene (NG) coating Co@Zn heterostructures (NG@Co@Zn) were successfully synthesized and used for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Benefit from high conductivity, high density of active sites, the multicomponent NG@Co@Zn@NF-850 catalyst exhibits an excellent HER performance, indicating its potential on hydrogen evolution as non-noble metal-based electrocatalyst. The multicomponent NG@Co@Zn heterostructures with more electron deficiency Co shows outperform HER activity owning to the accelerated electron transport between NG and Co@Zn. This work provide a novel strategy to design non-noble metal multicomponent HER electrocatalysts. (C) 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.