▎ 摘 要
Used as a bare active material or component in hybrids, graphene has been the subject of numerous studies in recent years. Indeed, from the first report that appeared in late July 2008, almost 1600 papers were published as of the end 2015 that investigated the properties of graphene as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries. Although an impressive amount of data has been collected, a real advance in the field still seems to be missing. In this framework, attention is focused on the most prominent research efforts in this field with the aim of identifying the causes of such relentless progression through an insightful and critical evaluation of the lithium-ion storage performances (i.e., 1st cycle irreversible capacity, specific gravimetric and volumetric capacities, average delithiation voltage profile, rate capability and stability upon cycling). The "graphene fever" has certainly provided a number of fundamental studies unveiling the electrochemical properties of this "wonder" material. However, analysis of the published literature also highlights a loss of focus from the final application. Hype-driven claims, not fully appropriate metrics, and negligence of key parameters are probably some of the factors still hindering the application of graphene in commercial batteries.