▎ 摘 要
Printing graphene-based nanomaterials on flexible substrateshasbecome a burgeoning platform for next-generation technologies. Combininggraphene and nanoparticles to create hybrid nanomaterials has beenproven to boost device performance, thanks to their complementaryphysical and chemical properties. However, high growth temperaturesand long processing times are often required to produce high-qualitygraphene-based nanocomposites. For the first time, we report a novelscalable approach for additive manufacturing of Sn patterns on polymerfoil and their selective conversion into nanocomposite films underatmospheric conditions. A combination of inkjet printing and intenseflashlight irradiation techniques is studied. Light pulses that areselectively absorbed by the printed Sn patterns cause a temperatureof over 1000 & DEG;C to be reached locally in a split second withoutdamaging the underlying polymer foil. The top surface of the polymerfoil at the interface with printed Sn becomes locally graphitizedand acts as a carbon source, transforming printed Sn into Sn@graphene(Sn@G) core-shell patterns. Our results revealed a decreasein electrical sheet resistance, with an optimal value (R (s) = 72 & PLUSMN; 2 & omega;/sq) reached when light pulseswith an energy density of 12.8 J/cm(2) were applied. Thesegraphene-protected Sn nanoparticle patterns exhibit excellent resistanceagainst air oxidation for months. Finally, we demonstrate the implementationof Sn@G patterns as electrodes for Li-ion microbatteries (LIBs) andtriboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs), showing remarkable performance.This work offers new insight into the development of a versatile,eco-friendly, and cost-effective technique for producing well-definedpatterns of graphene-based nanomaterials directly on a flexible substrateusing different light-absorbing nanoparticles and carbon sources.